Replenishing Thoughts

Stay unattached to thoughts that repress you. Notice, breathe, and stand-up with conviction and declare I AM WORTHY. Move your body. Root your feet into the earth and rise up with grace. This is yoga for everyday life.

This idea that it is possible to live a more connected everyday life. Often times, yoga is portrayed as some sport or trendy concept. The truth about yoga is about self awareness and self discovery. It’s about showing up to process what’s inside with non-judgement. So that when we go back to serving others, we are able to serve from a more authentic space.

Put your oxygen mask on first, right? Absolutely, it may seem like a bad analogy. But in fact it’s a vital perspective if we want sustainable growth, we must shift the paradigm so that we can achieve real transformation. The best teachers lead by example.

Yoga is for all people. YOGA is for real life. YOU will lengthen, strengthen, deepen, open, awaken. All while you flow to your own inhale and exhale.As we begin again, and show up each day on our mats, we give birth to our own emotional intelligence. Which currently in this day and age, is a hot commodity.

We are living in the age of information overload. It is a vital need more than ever for us to  shuffle through the clutter of what information is needed, and take time out to check inward so that we don’t get swallowed up in frivolous information that does not serve us. We must stay anchored to our own inner truth. How do we do this? Meditation.

Meditation is listening intently in the power of silence to your whole heart. To be able to sit long enough to remove the masks that we often put on, and to just show up as who you are is very rewarding. It is in this space we realize what matters most and that we all, at the end of the day, need to feel loved, supported, and cared for.

Yoga and meditation is about self cooperation observing the contrast of all that we are in this life: the good, bad or indifferent. Pose to pose, we unfold all of the debris that does not serve us any longer; we leave it on the mat.

Sometimes we need to rebel from our own old dusty beliefs, and put forth actions that keep us moving ... forward. Our hearts are screaming for more attention. I learned early on in life a fixed mindset is like being on autopilot it serves no one or nothing.

Stay open. Growth is in the uncomfortable. Replenish life and do YOGA. 

Get to know Deja, her sister Chanelle, & Replenish: the spa co op (click here)
Check out Deja's feature in Zine It over on my Instagram (click here
Bonus: Read my post with Deja for Cbus Chic, "Peace in the City" (click here)